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The Envirothon is a high school competition that test students knowledge on environmental issues covering water, soil, forestry, fish, wildlife, and a current issue of interest. The Boyle County Conservation District sponsors the team each year.


Art and Writing Contest

The Kentucky Farm Bureau provides a $25 check to each county winner, $50 check for regional winner, $250 for the first place state winner, $150 for the second place state winner and $50 for third place state winner. Contest information is available on the Division on Conservation's website. 


State-Cost Share

Each year the Conservation District administers the State Erosion and Water Quality Cost-Share program to assist landowners with addressing existing soil erosion, water quality, and other environmental problems associated with their farming or woodland operation. The program provides technical and financial assistance to landowners to address natural resource problems .


County Cost-Share

Each year the District provides a County cost-share program for livestock feeding pads for heavily-used areas. In 2012-2013, the District has added gateways to our programs to our program and drill rental for seeding. The gateways and heavy use areas are designed to eliminate muddy conditions where livestock are fed by using rock and geotextile fabric. 


Tree Seedling

Each year the Boyle County Conservation District gives away approximately 4,000 tree seedlings in honor of Arbor Day. Of the 4,000 Trees approximately 2,100 are given to third graders in Danville, Boyle County, Danville Christian Academy, and the Kentucky School for the Deaf and 1900 are given to Boyle County landowners. 


Local and KACD Scholarships  

The Boyle County Conservation District awards $500.00 scholarships each year for high school seniors who are enrolled to attend college and intend to major in the fields of agriculture or conservation of natural resources. For more scholarships and information contact us though our contact page.



Fax: 855-784-0876


448 North Danville Bypass

Danville, KY 40422



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